On December 24, 2017, a page appeared on Facebook’s Armenian spectrum, which allegedly represents the press center of the National Security Service of Armenia. The Facebook page with the following domain «www.facebook.com/www.sns.am/» has more than 48 thousand followers, mainly Armenian users. Among the followers are public figures, MPs, media representatives and others.
Currently, there are only two publications on the page. The first publication was posted on March 1, which covers the meeting of Georgi Kutoyan, the Head of RA National Security Service, and Sergey Narishkin, the Head of RF Foreign Intelligence Service. The next Publication was posted yesterday, on April 3 and reports the arrest of media expert Samvel Martirosyan.
“… As a result of investigative actions a group consisting of Armenian and foreign citizens has been revealed, which for a long time has been engaged in forgery and realization of official documents imposing and disclaiming responsibility. Samvel Martirosyan has been arrested’’, was mentioned in the statement in particular.
It should be noted that the National Security Service of Armenia does not have an official page on Facebook. To check the validity of the news, we contacted the “detainee” Samvel Martirosyan personally.
“I am aware of my arrest”, joked Martirosyan adding, that probably, there is an Azerbaijani factor here. “Most likely they broke an operating Armenian page, which had many followers, renamed it and started spreading disinformation”, said Martirosyan.
Note that the statement is partially copied from the March 6 statement posted on the National Security Service official website and only the part about Samvel Martirosyan’s arrest is added.