A user named Hareem Shah with over 360,000 followers on X (formerly Twitter) posted footage of the illegal arrest of Nagorno Karabakh politicians in Baku and presented it as scenes of Hamas capturing high-ranking Israeli generals.
“Several high-ranking Israeli military officers were arrested by Hamas (a militant organization in Palestine – Ed.),” the user noted.
LATEST: Several high-profile Israel i Generals captured by Hamas fighters#Israel #Palestine #Hamas #طوفان_الأقصى #Hezbollah #حماس pic.twitter.com/JMkH3a862x
— Hareem Shah (@_Hareem_Shah) October 8, 2023
It is noteworthy that the video also appeared on the air of the Iranian IRINN TV channel. The commentator presented the arrested officials from Nagorno Karabakh as Israeli generals captured by Hamas.
However, the video, which was circulated by the Azerbaijani law enforcement agencies a few days ago, depicts the scenes of the illegal arrest by Azerbaijan of the former presidents of Nagorno Karabakh, Arkady Ghukasyan, Bako Sahakyan, and the speaker of the National Assembly of Nagorno Karabakh, Davit Ishkhanyan.
Nane Manasyan