Male citizens in Armenia continue to renounce Armenian citizenship. Through 2018-2024, a total of 11,830 male citizens renounced Armenian citizenship.
Fact Investigation Platform requested the Migration and Citizenship Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Armenia to reveal how many minor male citizens have renounced the citizenship of the Republic of Armenia since 2018.
In response, the Migration and Citizenship Service reported that 11,830 male citizens under the age of 18 renounced their citizenship of the Republic of Armenia during 2018-2024.
In 2018, the citizenship of 1,899 Armenian citizens was terminated.
The largest number of male persons who renounced RA citizenship was 2264 persons in 2019.
In 2020, 1543 persons renounced their Armenian citizenship, in 2021 – 2056, in 2022 – 1953, and in 2023, the Armenian citizenship of 1625 male minors was terminated.
As of August 1, 2024, 490 male persons under the age of 18 renounced Armenian citizenship.
Thus, the statistics of the eight months of 2024 show that the number of cases of renunciation of Armenian citizenship, unlike previous years, is significantly decreasing.
The full picture by years is given in the figure below:
Arpine Hovhannisyan