Facebook user Armen Petrosyan posted a photo of a private house on his page on June 11 and wrote “According to rumors hanging in the air, it is Nikol Pashinyan’s private house in Canada, which Anna Hakobyan bought for $ 3 million during her visit to Canada in 2019, and registered it in the name of her bodyguard’s sister.”
However, the simplest search in the Google system shows that Petrosyan is falsifying information. According to open sources, the private house, the photo of which was shared by the user and attributed to Pashinyans, is not even in Canada. According to the American Zillow real estate database, the house mentioned by Petrosyan is located at Country Club DR Bethesda, Maryland, USA. The house was built in 1998, has 7 bedrooms and 7 bathrooms. According to the history of the house, it was sold in 2013 for $ 3.8 million. Margie Halem was the agent of the buyer, and The Fleisher group represented the seller.
According to another American data source, Clustrmaps.com, the house belongs to Joseph Ucusoglu, who is the director of the large company “Deloitte”. In addition, the Ucusoglu and Underhill families are mentioned among the residents of the house.
Since 2013, there have been no reports of changes in the owners of the private house. There is no information about people with Armenian surnames, and the information provided by Armen Petrosyan is false and does not correspond to reality.
Who is Facebook user Armen Petrosyan?
The author of the post, Armen Petrosyan, is considered one of Mikael Minasyan’s close associates. In companies affiliated with Minasyan, Petrosyan is either a director or a shareholder. Thus, the name of Armen Petrosyan can be found in the list of former shareholders of “Dzoraget Hydro“. In 2011-2019, Petrosyan owned 19% of the shares of the HPP.
Petrosyan also has a 5% share in the network of “Jazzve” cafes. Mikael Minasyan was the only shareholder of “Jazzve” in 2003-2011.
GREPCO CJSC, which exports ferromolybdenum from the Zangezur Copper and Molybdenum Combine, is also linked to Armen Petrosyan. This is evidenced by the relevant decision of the Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition, which shows that Petrosyan applied to become a shareholder of that company.
Mkrtich Karapetyan